Impact Report: Crystal Foretia

Uncovering Past Injustices

For months, I researched the history of structural racism at the House of Reformation and Instruction for Colored Children (1870-1937), Maryland's first reformatory for Black boys and the predecessor of the Cheltenham Youth Detention Center, which is still in operation. I uncovered a history of labor exploitation, physical abuse, administrative mismanagement and operational inequities by researching newspaper archives, government reports, and secondary sources.

Crystal Foretia, GFA Fellow ‘23
Policy and Legislative Administrator
Maryland Department of Juvenile Services

Advocating for Acknowledgment

I presented my report on the subject to the Assistant Secretary of the Department of Juvenile Services in April 2024. I pushed for the department to make a public acknowledgement with a plaque or another type of historical marker within the facility. After the meeting, I incorporated my research into a presentation given to new employees as part of their orientation.

A Past No Longer Forgotten

In May 2024, I met with the Office of Equity and Inclusion to share my report and lend my expertise for their own curriculums and trainings. The next month, I learned that the Secretary of the Department of Juvenile Services, Vincent Schiraldi, read my report and incorporated a portion of my research in the comments he delivered during a mural unveiling at the Cheltenham facility.


From DC to Local Impact: GFA Supports Civic Match


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