Meet the Fellows

What makes a good leader? We are thoughtful. Compassionate. Collaborative. Honest. Bold. Brave. Willing to show humility. Inclusivity. Empathy. Ready to engage in self-reflection. We empower, listen, and support. We take responsibility for mistakes we’ve made. We have a vision of how the world can be different and what we can do to get there.

These are all the qualities that make a good leader and define our community. A good leader is you.

We are a diverse and dynamic community and we reflect the people we serve.

Who we are


identify as Black, Indigenous, or People of Color


are members of the LGBTQIA+ community


are the first in their families to attend college


identify as women, non-binary, or transgender


have completed a graduate degree at the start of the program


unique home states represented


the median age of Fellows at the start of the program


began the Fellowship with less than 3 years of full-time professional work experience

Discover our impact

Fellow Placements

Featured Fellows


Amber Pederson | 2020 GFA Fellow

Cheyenne Liberti | 2021 GFA Fellow

Michael Davis & Crystal Foretia | 2023 GFA Fellows

The Importance of Emerging Leaders

Meet Our 2024 Cohort

  • Aline Keledjian

    Departmental Analyst

    Office of Career and Technical Education | Department of Education | Michigan

    Work: Working under the Michigan Department of Education as an EMC Departmental Analyst for the Office of Career and Technical Education.

    Vision: “Public service means recognizing the importance of building long-lasting relationships with community members and working together with the community to solve pressing issues.”

  • Arjun Novotny-Shandas

    Kansas City Housing Fellow

    Department of Housing | City of Kansas City | Missouri

    Work: Working for the Housing and Community Development Department of Kansas City Missouri, assisting with the development and implementation of various housing programs along with public and internal correspondence responsibilities.

    Vision: “Public service is about listening to people first and basing future advancements on their experiences. A public servant should be a champion for every citizen, trusted to promote the general welfare of society.”

  • Campbell Small

    Social Determinants of Health Fellow

    Department of Health Services | Arizona

    Work: Expanding and improving medicaid in Arizona so it better reflects the social determinants of health.

    Vision: “I believe that the actions we take as public servants should be carefully employed as their ramifications are impactful, and that we must consider public opinion in the actions we take.”

  • Ciara Longsworth

    Policy Fellow

    Department of Corrections | Pennsylvania

    Work: Assisting the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections in consolidating policies and transitioning to a paperless policy management system, as well as revising priority policies to ensure they reflect current practices under the Statewide Policy Coordinator.

    Vision: “Public service means being a dependable and empathetic advocate, ensuring policies and programs help people rather than harm them. It also means prioritizing transparency and accountability to build trust between the government and the community.”

  • Dayne O'Brien

    Public Information Officer

    Department of Gaming | Office of the Governor | Arizona

    Work: Responsible for managing the communications between our state agency and the public, including media relations, press releases, and serving as a Tribal liaison.

    Vision: “Public service can be represented by a state agency holding consultations with stakeholders to ensure that all voices are heard, all ideas are expressed, and action plans are being organized/established to assist with concerns and feedback.”

  • Dontae Richards

    Departmental Analyst

    Office of Educator Excellence | Department of Education | Michigan

    Work: Responsible for the research and analysis of data for the educator workforce-related grant programs.

    Vision: “I feel most connected to those who I serve because I have faced most of the same obstacles that they have faced or are facing. The opportunity of working in government I hope to be in an environment where the needs of community are placed at the forefront of decision making.”

  • Imari Crumity

    Bureau of Air Quality Fellow

    Department of Environmental Protection | Pennsylvania

    Work: Working to evaluate and develop policies to address environmental issues, ensuring that regulations effectively protect the state's natural resources and public health

    Vision: “I am driven by a passion for helping others and making sure everyone's needs are taken care of. I am dedicated to making a difference in my community.”

  • Jaclyn Jew

    Public Administration Analyst

    Philadelphia Water Department | Pennsylvania

    Work: Responsible for working with Human Resources to look into the department's current practices, establish areas for potential change, and produce recommendations for changes in federal policy as it affects the policies of the department.

    Vision: “It is the responsibility of those who retain power, intentional or otherwise, to support those who put their faith in those who have such power - and in acknowledging that dynamic, public service is meant to serve people in the ways in which the People deem it needed, and not as a means of the powerful imposing upon them what they perceive is needed. ”

  • Jenny Garcia Ruiz

    Departmental Analyst

    Office of Educator Excellence | Department of Education | Michigan

    Work: Responsible for analyzing, maintaining, and improving data systems related to educator workforce grant programs.

    Vision: “The strongest connection comes from empathy and open mindedness. Even if values differ, I try to understand different perspectives and tailor my service accordingly. At the end of the day, it’s about recognizing the humanity in everyone we serve.”

  • Kaitlyn Waynick

    Communications Specialist

    Department of Early Childhood | Colorado

    Work: Working to connect families throughout the state with supportive services and programming for their young children.

    Vision: “Public service is for the people, by the people. It is how I use my privilege to empower voices that are typically ignored or silenced so that our nation's policies can equitably serve all of its communities.“

  • Karla Arango

    Success Service Coach

    Department of Service and Civic Innovation | Maryland

    Work: Working towards creating the next generation of public servants in Maryland.

    Vision: “Ensuring that all government actions and decisions are open, accessible, and subject to scrutiny would foster greater public trust, reduce corruption, and promote more effective and equitable governance. By leveraging technology and fostering a culture of openness, individuals could more actively participate in the democratic process, leading to a government that truly serves and reflects the needs of its people.“

  • Kegan Rascoe

    Kansas City Health Fellow

    Department of Health | City of Kansas City | Missouri

    Work: Working on public health initiatives in Kansas City.

    Vision: “My public service mission is to use my skills in policy research and my interest in healthcare policy to improve health outcomes for Americans across the country, especially those in rural areas.“

  • Lauren Harpold

    Kansas City Housing Fellow

    Department of Housing | City of Kansas City | Missouri

    Work: Working in the Kansas City Department of Housing and Community Development.

    Vision: “At this moment in time in particular, we are in dire need of community. I want to be in a position to make cities and neighborhoods places where strong, intentional community can be formed. This often begins with stable housing, which so many people have been barred from historically due to racist and classist policies. The government must address that to make housing a right for all.”

  • Marcelle Brooks

    Kansas City Health Fellow

    Department of Health | City of Kansas City | Missouri

    Work: Taking a public health approach to addiction.

    Vision: “Public service means to dedicate yourself to something larger than yourself. The work I do has the ability to affect lives. It is a responsibility that holds weight and I carry it with pride.“

  • Shania Green

    Departmental Analyst

    Office of Nutrition Services | Department of Education | Michigan

    Work: Working as a departmental analyst supporting Michigan Department of Education’s Office of Health and Nutrition Services.

    Vision: “Coming from a marginalized community, I have seen many policies and changes being implemented within these communities without the input or consideration of the people that spend their lives there. Government representation should not be a monolith, and GFA assists in ensuring that there are individuals from all walks of life to provide ideas stemming from an array of different life experiences.”

  • Sophie Comer

    Managing Analyst

    Department of Economic Security | Office of the Governor | Arizona

    Work: Advocating and securing necessary funding for Arizona families and children that deserve affordable access to child care.

    Vision: “Public service means giving back to your community and ensuring you are working towards building a system that works for the people who are impacted most by big policy decisions. It means being an advocate and a voice for the community.”

  • Stephenie Thorne

    Strategic Project Coordinator

    Department of Human Services | Colorado

    Work: Oversees a variety of cross-functional and complex projects within the Colorado Department of Human Services to ensure they are successful.

    Vision: “Increase engagement with the people [government] serves, by conducting more significant outreach (such as yearly surveys, more community meetings, and more opportunities to contact government officials) to ensure that the government is meeting the needs of its people.”

  • Sylvana Soto

    Department of Health Communications Fellow

    Department of Health | Pennsylvania

    Work: Helping the Department of Health in Pennsylvania with informing constituents on current and past initiatives our Long Term Care Transformation Office has created, as well as help recruit people for much needed Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in the state.

    Vision: “Coming from a community of Dominican immigrants, I always saw how we relied on one another to get things done, in addition to some not knowing where to look for when help was needed. My community has always been a supportive and comforting group of people who have continued to push me in establishing a life for myself. Working in government is my way of giving back to the people who introduced me to a culture of giving back and helped me find the power of my voice.“

Meet Our 2023 Cohort

  • Alejandra Vargas

    Community Development Specialist

    City of St. Louis | Missouri

    Work: Working with grants in the St. Louis community in Missouri.

    Vision: “As someone historically disenfranchised, public service to me is serving your community in a capacity that brings in other people with your identities, and working to further your community, your people and your environment through the government system.”

  • Crystal Foretia

    Policy and Legislative Administrator

    Department of Juvenile Services | Maryland

    Work: Developing policy for the Department of Juvenile Services by including staff, youth, and families as stakeholders in Maryland.

    Vision: “Institutions, whether they be social, political, economic, or governmental, can better the material conditions of the people they serve and interact with. Public service must lead with empathy and a commitment to unlearn oppressive ideologies, rather than with pity or saviorism.”

  • Hannah Lang

    Durational Nexus Pilot Associate

    CT Next | Connecticut

    Work: Collaborating with local state entrepreneurs to create a shared public good in both the maritime and food industries in Connecticut.

    Vision: “Public service is an intentional act of love, aiming to provide for both immediate needs while disrupting exploitation with the goal of collective liberation.”

  • Jacquelyn Torres

    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisor

    Department of Energy & Environmental Protection | Connecticut

    Work: Supporting equity and inclusion efforts at the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection.

    Vision: “I was drawn to apply for Govern for America due to its mission statement aligning with my own: Believing in government as an avenue for change.”

  • Jax King

    Parent and Family Engagement Fellow

    Department of Service & Civic Innovation | Maryland

    Work: Supporting service year members, as well as their families, of the Maryland Department of Service and Civic Innovation in Maryland.

    Vision: “Being a trans person in our current political environment has become an increasingly scary thing over the last few years, and one of the commitments I made to myself and my community was to be a part of changing that truth. Having the support and community from GFA makes that all much less daunting.”

  • Jordan Ta

    Budget and Policy Analyst

    Office of State Planning & Budgeting | Colorado

    Work: Ensuring disaster organizations have what they need to respond and community stakeholders understand what government is doing to help in Colorado.

    Vision: “GFA represented an opportunity to come into an area that needs more representation of young people, and through that, I hope to create a fulfilling career creating connections with others who want to improve the function of government to serve the people.”

  • Melia Allan

    Legislative and Administrative Assistant

    Department of Public Health | Connecticut

    Work: Engaging constituents, conducting regulatory and legislative research, and writing policy briefs in Connecticut.

    Vision: “Public service means dedicating yourself, in any small way, to making the world a better place, questioning the way things are run, and finding new channels to serve more people or promote a better quality of life.”

  • Mirka Estrada

    Community Development Specialist

    Division of Community Development | City of St. Louis | Missouri

    Work: Managing development housing contracts and projects to ensure that they are in compliance with existing standards, regulations and laws in Missouri.

    Vision: “Local governments have the key to strengthening their citizenry by mobilizing resources to empower disenfranchised communities to become citizens and active participants in democracy.”

  • Parul Kumar

    Partnership Development Fellow

    Department of Service & Civic Innovation | Maryland

    Work: Leading projects that help advance equitable access to clean and affordable energy in Maryland.

    Vision: “Public service means serving people above individual interest and using your power to listen, learn, and take action to best support others.”

  • Paula Andrea Pineda

    Durational Project Manager

    Office of Consumer Counsel | Connecticut

    Work: Advancing equitable access to clean and affordable energy at the Connecticut Office of Consumer Counsel.

    Vision: “I am excited to have the opportunity to work on projects that will help advance energy justice! I'm thrilled to join a team who also believes in the power of public service and in the importance of ensuring that communities have access to clean and affordable energy.”

  • Sandy Gonzalez

    Budget and Policy Analyst

    Office of State Planning & Budgeting | Colorado

    Work: Analyzing policies and managing budgets for the Colorado Department of Human Services so Coloradans have the resources they need to thrive.

    Vision: “After facing economic hardship growing up, I knew that after I graduated, I wanted to give back to communities similar to the one that helped raise me. GFA recognizes those who wish to work in public service, and I am excited to have chosen GFA to assist me in achieving my career aspirations.”

  • Sonali Alluri

    County Executive Fellow

    St. Louis County | Missouri

    Work: Bridging partnership between government and community officials to help respond to and heal the opioid crisis in Missouri.

    Vision: “We’re all not so different. I think public service boils down to “the golden rule” where we treat others as we would like to be treated. It’s making healthcare focused on communities again as opposed to individualistic health and reactive care.”

  • Toni Aniugo

    DEI Fellow

    Department of Social Services | Connecticut

    Work: Contributing to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives through research and implementation in Connecticut.

    Vision: “I want to change the damaging systemic impacts policies have on vulnerable groups of people.”

Meet Our GFA Alums

  • Adam Thorp

    2022 GFA Fellow

    Department of Economic Development | Missouri

  • Alexis Han

    2022 GFA Research Fellow

    Department of Education | Michigan

  • Amaogechi Irechukwu

    2022 GFA Research Analyst Fellow

    Office of Policy and Management | Connecticut

  • Amber Kauppila

    2022 GFA Fellow

    Environmental Quality Analyst, Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy | Michigan

  • Ashley Fuller

    2022 GFA Fellow

    Environmental Quality Analyst, Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy | Michigan

  • Charlotte DeVaughn

    2022 Data Management Fellow

    Governor’s Office of Operations | Colorado

  • CJ Larkin

    2022 GFA Broadband & Digital Literacy Fellow

    Division of Rural Development | Tennessee

  • Daisy Kielty

    2022 GFA Fellow

    Department of Education | Michigan

  • Darwin Contreras

    2022 GFA Vocational Opportunity Fellow

    Department of Corrections | Connecticut

  • Dmitri Farthing Jr

    2022 GFA Fellow

    Department of Economic Development | Missouri

  • Dylan Rozansky

    2022 GFA Research Fellow

    Department of Education | Michigan

  • Jasmin Tellez

    2022 GFA Fellow

    Department of Labor and Employment | Colorado

  • Jasmine Palmer

    2022 GFA Fellow

    Financial Analyst, Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy | Michigan

  • Lance Wood

    2022 GFA Fellow

    Project Manager, Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy | Michigan

  • Leah Camille Mims

    2022 GFA Broadband & Digital Literacy Fellow

    Department of Rural Development | Tennessee

  • Matthew Clark

    2022 GFA Fellow

    Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy | Michigan

  • Ricardo Steven Salas Murillo

    2022 GFA Fellow

    Business and Analytic Fellow | Department of Developmental Services | Connecticut

  • Carolyn Wu

    2021 GFA Fellow

    Information Analyst | Office of Inspector General | Illinois

  • Cheyenne Liberti

    2021 GFA Fellow

    School Nutrition Programs Consultant | Department of Education | Michigan

  • Claire Handley

    2021 GFA Fellow

    Environmental Quality Analyst, Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy | Michigan

  • Courtney Fung

    2021 GFA Fellow

    Project Manager, Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy | Michigan

  • Harmon Lim

    2021 GFA Fellow

    Department Analyst Fellow | Department of Education | Michigan

  • Harrison MacRae

    2021 GFA Fellow

    Data Fellow | Department of Administration | Missouri

  • Jeni Dhodary

    2021 GFA Fellow

    Revenue and Operational Efficiency Fellow | Department of Revenue | Missouri

  • Larabe Iqbal

    2021 GFA Fellow

    Safety Analyst Fellow | Department of Education | Michigan

  • Lisa Thomas

    2021 GFA Fellow

    Engineer, Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy | Michigan

  • Nadir Chaudhry

    2021 GFA Fellow

    Physicist, Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy | Michigan

  • Sree Yeluri

    2021 GFA Fellow

    Assistant Analyst for the Congressional Budget Office | Washington, D.C.

  • Tracy Westmoreland

    2021 GFA Fellow

    Postsecondary Data and Policy Fellow | Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development | Missouri

  • Tyler Foley

    2021 GFA Fellow

    Education Research Consultant | Department of Education | Michigan

  • William Disser

    2021 GFA Fellow

    Environmental Engineer at the Department of Environment | Great Lakes and Energy

  • Zach Chamberlin

    2021 GFA Fellow

    Environmental Quality Analyst, Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy | Michigan

  • Amber Pedersen

    2020 GFA Fellow

    Research and Data Analyst for the Department of Corrections | Colorado

  • Cortez Washington

    2020 GFA Fellow

    Policy and Legislative Fellow | Department of Corrections | Colorado

  • Daniel Weinstein

    2020 GFA Fellow

    Behavioral Health Fellow | Department of Health | Louisiana

  • Erika Roberson

    2020 GFA Fellow

    Development Specialist for the Department of Health and Human Services. Community | North Carolina

  • Evan Doomes

    2020 GFA Fellow

    Vital Records Fellow | Department of Health | Louisiana

  • Georquel Goodwin

    2020 GFA Fellow

    Budget and Policy Analyst II for the Department of Human Services | Colorado

  • Harrison Jensen

    2020 GFA Fellow

    Medicaid Fellow | Department of Health | Louisiana

  • Kendra Offiaeli

    2020 GFA Fellow

    Adult and Aging Services Fellow at the Department of Health | Louisiana

  • Omar Estrada

    2020 GFA Fellow

    School Health Professional | Department of Education | Colorado

  • Elise Alexander

    2019 GFA Fellow

    Program Specialist for the Department of Education | Louisiana

  • Eusebio Salinas

    2019 GFA Fellow

    Organizational Consultant for the Connecticut Department of Transportation | Connecticut

  • Hannah Jolibois

    2019 GFA Fellow

    Budget Analyst for the Department of Education | Louisiana

  • Ibrahim Bharmal

    2019 GFA Fellow

    Research Assistant, Allegheny County Department of Human Services | Pennsylvania

  • Isabel Jones

    2019 GFA Fellow

    Program Specialist for the Department of Public Safety and Corrections | Louisiana

  • Johanna Schmidt

    2019 GFA Fellow

    Executive Secretary for the Connecticut Department of Children and Families | Connecticut

  • Julia DeSimone

    2019 GFA Fellow

    Education Information Consultant for the Department of Education | Louisiana

  • Kelsey Pearce

    2019 GFA Fellow

    Program Specialist for the Department of Public Safety and Corrections | Louisiana

  • Lily Fielding

    2019 GFA Fellow

    Budget & Policy Analyst for the Office of Management and Budget | Rhode Island

  • Merlyn Tejada

    2019 GFA Fellow

    Budget Analyst for the Department of Education | Louisiana

  • Samantha Egge

    2019 GFA Fellow

    Education Information Consultant for the Department of Education | Louisiana

  • Sydney Anderson

    2019 GFA Fellow

    Education Information Consultant for the Department of Education | Louisiana

  • Van Nguyen

    2019 GFA Fellow

    Management and Program Analyst for the U.S. Department of Education | Washington, D.C.

  • Yasmin Yacoby

    2019 GFA Fellow

    Energy Justice Program Manager for the Office of Energy Resources | Rhode Island

Creating new stories

We're in a moment defined by great challenges but also boundless opportunity. Young leaders — diverse, energetic, and unlimited by the way things have always been done — will unlock the potential for a government that is responsive to the people.

Govern For America

Govern For America (GFA) is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) working to build the next generation of public servants to create a more responsive government that better reflects and serves our communities.

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